Well, the much lauded plan has gone off without much to do, or hoopla, as they say. Liza's comp
is still going all Gir and stuff, so she gave me her sketchbook to scan some stuff with my comp. Now, with the scans done,
I just have to make sure the book gets back to her in one piece, or I will be in several...all over the place....
I don't want to get her mad, cuz Liza can be...uhm...what's a good word....
Yeah, creative, that's a good one (oh God, NO PLEASE DON'T HIT ME! AIIIEEEEE!!).
Anyway, here's a bunch more Liza pics, and I only wish that I could draw this good...(although
now that I have her style immortalized on my comp, I'm going to shamelessly steal her methods...bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ::cough!::)
Liza's Stuff:
Raziel's Stuff: