comp messed up hardcore, and as a result, I lost most of my short stories...all I have left is what I've published here. I'll
try to re-write them, but...well, The Quest itself was about 45 chapters long...so...it'll be a while, if at all... Damn computer.
[/ end melodrama]
Okay, I spoke a bit too soon, My stories have been found, and they're (more or less) intact,
and I have to grudgingly thank Allison for stumbling across them.
::cough thank you! cough::
Here I will have links to my fiction, short stories I've written and whatnot.
Most of them were written out of boredom, and I don't think they're that good, but feel free to give me some (constructive)
criticism, cuz they can only get better.
The Quest - the first fiction I wrote, came from an aol role-play character I made, the longest one I have, I'll put it up by chapter.
Trials and Tribulations - a story that grew out of a comic book I wrote a long time ago...once I realized I couldn't draw worth a shit, I decided
to put it to writing. Unfinished
A letter - A short story I wrote after reading the Vampire supplement The Time of Thin Blood Finished
Nitro - This is the running title for a little mercenary vingette (I like that word) that I started a while back... Unfinished
Hunters Hunted - an eclectic mix of a lot of different fantasy worlds, I got inspired... Unfinished