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Hunter 3

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Chapter 3.

The Lost


            Harsh winds blew stinging sand and grit at tremendous speeds, quickly wearing away anything it touched. Old stone ruins and new settlement alike were mere speed bumps in the path of the sand storm. One thing the sands couldn't break through was the blood red rage felt by the Argonian of similar color that just now was regaining consciousness.

            Serpentyne raised himself to his hands and knees and shook his head. His new scar stung with the sand blasting into it, but no pain burned hotter than the white-hot knife of failure. Serpentyne raised himself to his knees and howled in intermingled sorrow and rage. The thundering crescendo of the sandstorm was eclipsed for a brief second by this new sound.

            Serpentyne found himself near an oasis in the middle of a vast desert, so he made his way over to it and took the best cover he could behind a large rock. Once the storm had passed, he leaned over into the large puddle that served as water supply to this oasis, now muddy and clogged with filth, took a large double handful of the dirty water and drank gratefully. Once his thirst was sated, he took stock of himself. His armor and weapons, while dirty, were still intact, but his bedroll and most of the contents of his backpack were a loss, torn to shreds by the sandstorm. He stood to try to get a bearing on the new land he found himself in, but could find no identifiable landmarks. He surveyed the debris left by the sandstorm and was able to identify the remains of what may have been a tent. Seeing the storm still raging in the distance, he turned and walked in the direction the storm had come from. Perhaps, he mused to himself, there is a settlement back this way that could tell me just where I am.


            Four days and nights had passed since Serpentyne had left the relative safety of the oasis, and it was now taking its toll. Argonians, suited to the harsh temperatures and climate of the south had a natural resistance to heat, but even they could only take so much. The morning of the fifth day found Serpentyne so weak that he could not even bring himself to stand and continue on. He lay boiling in the increasing heat for three hours before a vulture swooped down to see if its prey had died yet. The bleary eyed Argonian smelled the bird before he saw it, and with his last ounce of strength, lunged at it and sunk his mouthful of sharp fangs into its neck. Serpentyne slowly devoured all but the bones of the large bird.

            Rejuvenated, Serpentyne stood and continued on his quest to seek civilization.


            A days travel later, and the flickering lights of a small settlement became visible. When he came closer, Serpentyne found the residents trying to rebuild what the sandstorm had destroyed. Upon entering the village, everyone he met eyes with froze in horror. He attempted to ask a question of the nearest merchant, who promptly slammed a shutter down in his face. Similar reactions were experienced all around. Standing alone in the middle of the settlement, Serpentyne wondered why these people seemed to fear him.

            Shortly, he was approached by 5 men in half-plate armor, the leader strode right up to Serpentyne, hand on the hilt of his blade the whole time. The man spoke, his voice solid, but containing just a hint of fear.

            "Are you the one that comes in the night?"


            "The legends speak of a dark time, heralded by the one who comes in the night, with skin of blood and claw of obsidian. Are you the bearer of sorrow?"

            Serpentyne blinked once or twice, then smiled, a fearful sight on an Argonian, "No my friend, I am not the focus of your legend...I am simply a traveler," at this, Serpentyne extended his hand, the guard seemed weary to take it.

            "I assure you, I hold no ill regard for you or your village. Please, take my hand, I would be most...disappointed...if you did not."

            The guard reluctantly reached his hand out, and Serpentyne grabbed it, shaking forcefully.

            "I'm just a traveler, I seem to have lost my way, and the storm a few days ago has destroyed my supplies. Perhaps you could talk to your merchants, let them know I hold no qualms with them?"

            "I will see what can be done."

            Several conversations later, and Serpentyne had his supplies restocked, and a place to sleep for the night more comfortable than the sand.


            The next morning, Serpentyne was awakened by a loud crash. He opened his eyes to find several swords and other bladed weapons leveled at his face.

            He arched a scaly eyebrow, "Have I done something wrong?"

            "You lied to us, Bearer of Sorrow!" The guard from last night barked at him.


            "Do not play innocent! We know it was you who abducted the village child!"

            Serpentyne attempted to sit up, but was persuaded to keep laying where he was by several sharp blades, "I have no idea what you are talking about. Ask the innkeeper, I have been here all night. I have not gone anywhere," Serpentyne's anger began to boil and churn inside, but he made every effort to fight it back. The last thing he needed was an entire village dedicated to his extermination.

            The head guard hesitated a second, letting his weapon falter for a second, and Serpentyne took this opportunity to grab the guards sword and disarm him, while simultaneously sweeping the legs out from under the rest of the posse with his tail. He quickly stood, tossing the sword around to grip its handle, standing ready to fight, but quickly seemed to shake off his anger, and threw down the sword.

            "I do not wish to fight any of you. I did not abduct your child, I may look a savage, but I am no barbarian. If you do not believe me, then allow me to investigate. I will bring the true culprit before you," he said, hoping a deal could be struck. The head guard stood for a minute, seeming to be weighing the options, then spoke.

            "It is a deal, but, in order for us to accept that you will return," the guard hefted up Serpentynes Great axe, "we shall take possession of this, to be returned when proof of your innocence is provided. I will tell the town guard to help you, but do not expect a welcome from the townspeople."

            "That is acceptable. I will return." Serpentyne bowed slightly, the image of the guards head on a pike, his intestines in his claws causing Serpentyne to secretly smile...