Welcome to my world.
Ninja Office!! Hyaaaa!!!

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**Update** Okay, maybe I was a little too optimistic about this. I seriously don't have the time currently to work on this part of the site. Maybe after school is done. Sorry.
Well, I'm making an attempt at a webcomic. I have no delusions about my ability to compete with the likes of Scott Kurtz, David Anez, or Randy Millholland. The artwork (if you can call it that) is poor, but c'mon, I'm doing school full time and pulling two jobs, so, when (and if) I get more time to myself, the artwork should improve.
The idea for this came mostly out of boredom. My friend Mike and I took the same 8am class, and we hate it, so we come up with all kinds of random stuff, this one happened to stick. I hope it's funny.

Ninja Smoke!